Litigation and Arbitration

Adalberto Calil – Sociedade de Advogados’s team has extensive experience in litigation. We focus on quick and effective resolution of disputes, always in the best interests of our clients. We also advise in the pre-litigation stage, including participation in meetings, preparation of notices and the assessment of the risks involved in potential litigation, striving, whenever feasible and recommended, for an amicable solution.

Our firm works nationally, before state and federal courts, in all degrees of jurisdiction (including the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court).

Among others, the following services are worthy of mention:

  • civil liability lawsuits;
  • real estate litigation (compulsory renewal of leases, eviction, restitutory interdict, expropriation suits, adverse possession suits (usucapião), etc.);
  • credit recovery (collection, monitoring and enforcement suits);
  • administrative and judicial litigation related to public bids and administrative contracts;
  • corporate litigation involving shareholders, transactions and contracts overall.

In addition to extensive experience in judicial and administrative litigation, our firm has significant experience in arbitration proceedings conducted before the main Brazilian arbitration courts.